Get started with Open Source
Amol Kahat
Who am I?
- Amol Kahat
- Open Source Enthusiast
- Python Pune, Ansible meetup organizer
- Works at Red Hat India Pvt Ltd. Pune
What is Open Source?
- Denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. (Meaning)
- The term "open source" refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible. (
Why to choose Open Source?
- Security
- Free of Cost
- Quality
- Customization
- Freedom
- Thousands of people are using same software on thousands different systems.
- Someone find the bug, someone will fix it.
- More they use, more it is secure.
- Software which is designed by 10 people who has 20 years experienced people
- Software which is designed by thousand people who have mostly 2 years of experience.
- You can customize the software which is Open Source
- You can modify it and publish new version of it.
- Do not use it in the commercial software.
- I know one guy, his girlfriend ditch him (sad story)
Freedom (Cont.)
- Late night I make changes in software on my PC, Installed it and I shut down the PC, and go to sleep. :D
Second day I started with Installing new OS. :P
How you get started with Open Source? (As Contributer)
- Pick up any project (Which you know or used it before)
- Get the mentor.
- Find out it's source repository.
- Find out it's Bugzillas
- Fix the bug.
- Submit the code. Make sure you fulfill the required criteria.
- Repeat
Outdated :(
What is new then?
Do you have an Idea?
Implement it.
Blog about it.
Build your presence over the Internet.
You have to make the opportunity. You need to find it.
What is the role of Python?
What is Python?
Why to use it?
You can do lot of stuff with Python.
Some examples.
Thank You.