PythonPune was announced the Docker meetup on the September 18. This meetup was hosted by Suraj Deshmukh. He works for the Red Hat in Banglore. He works on Project Atomic.
The meetup was started at 10:30. Around 40-50 people was there. As usual Chandan Kumar gave little bit introduction about the speaker. After the Chandan's talk Suraj started with his introduction. Then he started with Docker introduction.
What is Docker?
Docker is light weight container/virtualization platform. It is application packaging and delivering mechanism.
Why Docker?
- Docker is very light weight container virtualization platform.
- Build once and run anywhere.
- It reduces the time for developing an application and putting it on production.
- Lighter than Virtual Machine.
- Less start up time.
- Less container size.
- Can deploy many containers on single host.
- Easy to use.
Docker Components:
Docker has 4 main components:
- Image : It is a template used to launch container.
- Container : Container holds everything which needed to run an application.
- Registry : It stores and serves up the actual image assets, and it delegate the authentication to index.
- Index : It is front end of registry. It manages user accounts, permission, search, tagging, all that nice stuff that's in the public web interface.
Installation :
- # dnf install -f docker
- # systemctl start docker
- # systemctl enable docker
Docker Commands :
- docker info : To check the docker installation information.
- docker search \<image> : To search docker images with image name.
- docker pull \<image> : To pull / download the image.
- docker images : To list images in the system.
- docker ps (-a) : To list all the docker processes. Using -a option you can see all the recently stopped process.
- docker run -i -t \<image> /bin/bash: To run the docker container and start its bash command.
- docker commit : To store your docker container as an images.
- docker logs \<ID> : To look in to the logs of container.
- docker kill \<ID> : To kill the docker container.
After all this commands Suraj explains docker files. Using docker files you can build many images at a time.
This was very nice session of the docker. Thanks Suraj for docker talk. Thanks PythonPune for arranging the meetup.