Dogtag - Installation (Interactive)

By amolkahat, Fri 01 July 2016, in category Dogtag

In previous blog i explained about Dogtag certificate system as an overview. Now lets install it your system. Dogtag certificate system is fully featured system which support multiple options of certificate enrollment and smart card enrollment. This certificate system require large no of dependency.

Now we look how to install it and how to build it.

For fedora 23 or later versions :

$ sudo dnf install 389-ds-base dogtag-pki

Subsystem Installation:

To install CA, KRA, OCSP, TKS, TPS all the procedure is same. If you are installing on same tomcat then it will not prompt for tomcat section.

There is little difference in the installation of TPS subsystem. In TPS you have to specify KRA, and TKS url with base dn i.e. dc=example,dc=org.