March-16 Pythonpune meetup.

By amolkahat, Sat 26 March 2016, in category Pythonpune

fedora, vim

March pythonpune meetup was organized at Amazatic Solutions, Spot 18 mall, Jagtap dairy chock, pune. Meetup was very good. At least 50 peoples attended this meetup. Many peoples in the meetup were college students, python newbies and some professional people form company.

Today's meetup was started with Chandan's talk. He gave brief introduction about meetup, fedora-hubs and vim. After that he came to the Opensource projects and its contribution topic.

After Chandan's talk i started my presentation on libvirt programming API.For that i prepared my slides and talk went good for time of approximately 25mins. I explain about libvirt API and Virt-manager. Slides had technical definitions in them but I explained it to the people in simple words, because audience was mostly college going students.

Main attraction of the meetup was Vim workshop and it was conducted by Dev M. Who was works for Persistent.First he gave introduction of vim and explained difference between vi & vim. After attending his talk I realized the power of vim. I never thought vim was so powerful, but he showed us that :).Vim workshop took 2–2:5 hrs to complete since it was a hands-on workshop.Most of the people were happy about the talk and workshop of vim. They never new that they can do these type of things with Vim.I’m so impressed by vim, now I have started to learn its deep intricacies. Thank you Dev for such a wonderful talk and workshop.

Next talk was presented by my friend Dhriti Shikhar. She has great knowledge of fedora-infra projects. She gave talk on Fedora-Hubs. Fedora-Hubs is a website like social networking. It include projects, code, issues and peoples who working on this projects. It yet to be launched. She gave an awesome talk and links to "How to contribute to Fedora-Hubs?".

At last Aman from Amazatic Solutions introduced himself and about his company.After that Chandan came and spoke about the next meetup topics and contribution on opensource projects. He also introduced everyone to IRC and different channel.

Inspired by Chandan’s talk and Dev also shared his experience about the opensource, when he was speaking I was amazed after he said he was “Biochemical Engineer”. So opensource enabled him to get much long way in his carrier.

Some people wanted to talk to Chandan, Dhriti, Dev and me, so we engaged with people and talked about different topics in python coding. So lastly we had group photo and everyone was headed home. Now waiting for next meetup.

Dev presenting Vim Dev presenting Vim

Dhriti Shikhar presenting on Fedora-Hubs. Dhriti Shikhar presenting on Fedora-Hubs.

Group photo without me. :( Coz i'm the one who take the picture. Group photo without me. :( Coz i'm the one who take the picture.

Group photo with me :). Group photo with me :).