PyLadie Pune Meetup 7 Jan - 2017

By amolkahat, Sat 07 January 2017, in category Meetups/conferences

jetbrains, pycharm, python3

Jan - 2017 PyLadies Meetup was hosted in the Red Hat India Pvt. Ltd Pune Office. It was hosted by Anwesha Sarkar and Kushal Das. Kushal Das is a CPython core developer, PSF director and member of other communities. Anwesha is a lawyer and she also a member of PSF and other Python community member.

In this meetup there was a two talks. First talk given by Kushal Das on System Programming using python. In his talk Kushal introduced os, sys module and explain it how to use it while writing the system related code. Kushal started with the changing directory and environment variables. He also explains the creation, deletion and importance of the environment variables.

After that Paul Everitt came online. Paul Everitt is PyCharm and WebStorm developer in JetBrains. He woke up early in the morning to for the PyLadies session. He started his talk. In his talk he introduced the beauty of PyCharm. I never knew that i can do that type of stuff with PyCharm.

Paul talk on the following topics using PyCharm.

In Paul's talk he develop a simple 2D game. It was very simple but awesome. You can see it in the video.

Thanks Paul for this session. Not only me but who ever is present in the session they also like it. It was an awesome talk. Thanks Kushal and Anwesha for hosting this meetup and Red Hat for venue sponsor.